Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"Uncle Sam's Plantation" by Star Parker

Star Parker paints a picture of America for her readers. One in which government aid fuels the lazy and uneducated. She shakes her head at social programs and laughs at common "misconceptions" the poor have about how financial government aid assists them and asserts they're really being suppressed.

Personally, I couldn't wait to finish reading this book. Once I finished, I couldn't come to write a review about it. Her arguments could barely be distinguished from long-winded rampages about issues she felt passionate about but has obviously not invested research into. I needed the time from when I finished the book to when I wrote the review (over a year) for the resentment I held towards this author to dissipate after reading this book. I strongly discourage anyone to pick this book up who is looking to be enlightened or learn something. I suggest this book to anyone looking to understand more about alternate arguments to social programs such as welfare and keep a sense of humor when approaching this book.

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